Monday, April 18, 2011

Mohska and Timelapsing

Sometimes, usually around the same time as exams I lose my sense of time. I actually can literally spend 8 hours in front of my laptop kicking back and cruising the web. I can meditate for a few hours, I can bake....

This morning I convinced a friend to accompany me to my first Moksha class. I had done Bikram yoga before but the poses are different. Moksha is essentially the same as regular yoga only done in a 37 degree Celsius room. The moment you walk into the studio you know it's warmer than usual, and upon getting changed you head upstairs with your mat and towel and into the swelteringly hot room. I'm not sure if I'll continue this past the end of April/early May because by June my house will be 37 during the day and I can just do it there.

Anyway. Hot yoga was fun. sweated a lot, and I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to shed exam weight. We're going again tomorrow, and thank god because I just had swiss chalet for dinner. I'm still hungry too, in a ravenous way. Maybe I'm still super dehydrated?

Off ot eat pineapple. maybe I'll write more pointless diary-like crap later.

1 comment:

  1. Chciałabym otworzyć swój salon kosmetyczny i zastanawiam się nad tym gdzie kupić mikrodermabrazja w domu i jeszcze mikrodermabrazja domowa. Wiem jednak, że jest to bardzo duża inwestycja i sporo pieniędzy musiałabym wydać za jednym razem. Z drugiej strony i tak wyjdzie mi to taniej, niż miałabym kupować każde urządzenie z osobna... Gdzie najlepiej szukać takich sprzętów? Czy możecie polecić jakąś hurtownie? Czy warto zamawiać przez Internet? Wybrałam sklep,,,
