Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It's a hard distinction to make between what you want and what you have. It's a harder distinction to make when your heart yearns for one and not the other. Your heart is the most fickle thing in your life, that's the unfortunate truth. It's hard to believe that you can love someone one day and ten years hate them, but we're never the same people. Like heraclitus' river, we're all a little different every time.

So are you, and so am I, and that's why this concerns me. That's why I'm working on distinctions, pro/con charts and chats with semi-close friends who don't know me well enough to know better and don't know you well enough to say something. These are the friends whom I rely on for my emotional granite. I'm otherwise a weak, pathetic being that needs constant reassurance.

I hope for your sake you may never have to find that out. But then again, I'm staying up late, thinking and worrying about that last interview I need to get done tomorrow. Worried about how I'm going to afford my hot yoga pass this fall. First world bullshit. Stupid forehead acne caused by excessive drinking. Lack of sleep caused by increased caffeine intake. Increased caffeine intake caused by lack of appetite.. and vice versa.

So once you pull the thorns out it's not so bad, and it's always worth it to not let that fucker fester. So pull the thorn out, and tell them how you feel. Because you're always a ctrl-alt-del away.

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