Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why our parents have it wrong: why you should vote in EVERY election

What if Canada were suddenly in the reins of the baby boomers? What would some changes be, if Harper would let the 55+ take control even just for a day?

As both my parents are avid complainers about the current government, and constantly offer very close-minded worldviews, I am frightened at this thought. And of course, no other constituency of persons is as big as the BBs. They vote at a higher percentage than us 18-24s, and mostly are conservative leaning (traditionally speaking, although recent stats show a more liberal lean is happening).

First off, it's a little odd that our parents, my parents would vote conservative: they were once the liberators, the rebels of the 1960s-1970s; the after effects of the war made them so angry and they decided to band together and create change. And change it was: but look at where we are now! The youth are hungry for change, hungry for a new leader and one that doesn't suck (sorry Harper, nothing against you really....well maybe). But for some odd reason the highest percentage of voters want nothing to change: they want values instilled in government, and "Canadians" to get what is for some reason 'rightfully' theirs.

I'm missing that point entirely. And truthfully I don't really care: it's what would happen if these persons came into power that concerns me.

If for example, my father and mother were to become the PMs or leaders of federal or provincial parties-- the policies and protection acts that would float around, some becoming legislative.... would be incredible.

No foreign aid. My father has long been an advocate (to my Facebook page and e-mail account's demise) of removing all foreign aid until Canadians are 'well off' and there are no more 'starving children' in Canada. He also is for upping pensions and cutting off welfare (a complete anachronism to me) with this money.

There would be no stores open on Sundays, except maybe grocery stores: but only for a few hours. The epitome of backwards thinking-- we must observe Sunday as the Sabbath, according to a large portion of relatives of mine.

I've never been a part of a religious family. But it seems more and more of the 55+ crowd are turning to faith to fill the hole of despair. Despair of not having enough pension to feed you and your spouse, despair of having to pay 1.30 a Litre for gas, despair of having to pay for anything really, when it seems that you have the god given right to these things for lasting on this earth for so long.

And really, respect for our elders is few and far between, and they deserve it as they have lots of wisdom to offer us. But other than the few bucks in your birthday card from Grandma, it seems that the elderly are nothing more than grumpy, backwards, and seemingly living in a whole different world than the rest of us.

What about the young mothers who need to feed their children, who are so hungry themselves that breast milk has stopped, who can't afford to pay for the insurance on the car, the house, and god forbid that something goes wrong and someone needs some medication. Welfare? No. It's a lifeline.

There are so many problems in the 'system' that affect so many of us. They even effect my parents. They effect me, my friends, and my friends' friends. Not voting is the stupidest reaction I've ever heard. Apathy has to be the most irritating response to the lack of 18-24 crowd getting out to vote. Our parents are running this country for us. No wonder we hate the way things are done. Somehow same sex marriage, abortion, and contraceptives are still legal. Thank god, because if it weren't for some of these valuable rights our generation would be incredibly fucked up.

There is no duty to help those less fortunate than us. There is an opportunity to save someone's life, or make it better for a day. If it is possible, then why not do it? We are well off in comparison to other 'first-world' countries. And in the middle east, people are taking democracy into their own hands. Why not do that here too?

I'm so sick, and tired, and grumpy about hearing at every family meal and e-mail and facebook post about how we should do this and that and blah blah blah. We're not doing anything. We're sitting on our asses, checking our facebook, bbming friends about this weekend.

Soon enough, that'll all be gone, by some force or another. It's only a matter of time before we get fed up and take action. Why does it have to be a matter of time, when it can just be this fall?

That's my rant for the hour. Just vote already, for your sake.

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