Moment 1
Jump off of something higher than you'd normally find acceptable. This can be a cliff, a bed, a high chair, a Mach tower, or an airplane. Do it safely. Do it twice.

Moment 2
Fall asleep listening to post-rock. The Earth is Not a Cold Dead place is great. Explosions in the Sky's entire discography works if you take awhile to fall asleep.
Fall asleep listening to jazz. Do it every night. Use the white noise to your advantage. That way, someday you'll sleep in silence and you'll love it all that much more.

Moment 3
Eat with your hands. Try new cuisine. Just wash those hands first. and after... Don't be afraid to get messy. Don't even use a plate.

Moment 4
Kiss someone you just met. Have a one-night stand. Be safe, but don't play it safe. Give them your all and then never call them. Better yet, make it someone's boyfriend.

Moment 5
Go see a band on a whim. Preferably one you've never heard of. Really get into the sounds, the atmosphere. Remember how it smelled. Remember what you were wearing. Buy their CD. Play it once or twice

Moment 6
Read a book in a park on a weekday afternoon. Make it in the sun. Wear sunscreen. Sweat like you've never sweat before. Make it July. Make it sunny as heck.
Moment 7
Sit in the same park at midnight. Sing out loud like nobody can hear you. Make it a love song. Make it an opera.

Moment 8
Walk around the house naked. Turn off the air conditioning if you have it. Turn up the heat if it's winter. Sit in your skivvies. Become comfortable with your natural state.

Moment 9
Fail a course. Get a 48.8 in a subject, somehow. Learn to accept that you're not perfect. Learn to accept that the education system is not perfect. Know the subject, get a failing grade on a multiple choice test.

Moment 10
Fall in love. Fall into a cycle of uncontrollable emotion, unabated thirst for the freedoms of another. Hold hands. Don't hold hands. Be so mad for someone you can't breathe around them.
And when you want to say "I love you", don't do it. Hold your breath. Wait. Wait until they walk away and say it quickly and quietly. Wait until they're across the ocean. Wait until you're old and grey. And then, then remember it for what it felt like.
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