Saturday, February 5, 2011

Reflections on WLUSU elections

So the results are in, and I could not be happier. But, I could be a little more interested. Voter turnout was more than double this year, accredited to the accessibility of online voting. But safety, security, and the 'popularity' vote of Nick Gibson (WLUSU president-elect) are all interesting issues that are rising from the steam of last night.

I'll start by addressing the first two. Voting online, although not the most discreet (unless you're doing it alone in the comfort of your own bedroom) is certainly not the most secure way to vote: or is it? Under a secured https server, (the new revamped student gateway) and under normal viewing circumstances, voting is safe.

So why then denounce the winner, Nick Gibson, for being just a 'popular vote'? He has (and I'm attempting my best to be unbiased) the most informed and well thought-out platform, a campaign team that was given individual consideration to reach target groups... and well, seriously? A Panda? LaCute had nothing going for him from the start.

None, not ONE of the other candidates attempted to reach out to me. Kudos to LaCute for attempting to get the Music vote, but it was Gibson that had As across the board.

That being said, all the BOD/BOG members had a little less of a 'campaign'. I knew who I'd vote for, because of their academic and social reputations, along with the sheer obviousness that certain ex-bod members shouldn't be reelected.

Again, that being said.... I can't believe Saad was elected BOG. What has he done? Someone please explain.

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