Another night of watching MTV and various popular sitcoms with my roommates and I'm left wondering: why is it that today's teens are all uppity about love?
What is the big deal? Why profess your deepest emotion over and over again to a variety of people until its become so numb and nullified that it has no meaning anymore?
I've been trying to help one of my closest friends through a breakup with his girlfriend, and for the record she's being incredibly immature (breakup via text, aftermath via facebook) and doesn't seem to realize that the L word shouldn't be tossed around.
Call me old fashioned, maybe I can tell the difference between love and lust and deep friendship and appreciation. Maybe I'm just one of those people who holds a lot of stock in the loving emotion and won't just show those feelings to just anybody these days. But when it hits home, and when friends get hurt... I have something to say about it.
I think a lot of the reasons why people are so obsessed with the love thing is that we think that its somehow our #1 goal in life, to find that special lover and hold onto them for all eternity. But the opposite happens: we're social animals, we thrive in community settings; we hate being alone with the same person for any lengthy period of time. And I'm living proof-- of course I wouldn't mind 'settling down' eventually but I doubt I'll ever confine myself to loving one person. I'll love my friends, my partner, my parents, my siblings, but never just obsess over the same guy for the rest of my life like it's all I'm holding on to-- that would be stupid.
Because, when and I mean when that guy decides to move on (or maybe you will) you'll find yourself hopeless, without a personal identity and literally useless. A lot of times I see this after people break up because their entire lives and friend groups revolved around the relationship. What's worse is when the friends are forced to pick a side post-breakup. It's just a whole lot of nastiness waiting to happen.
So don't obsess. Sure, having that useless crushing feeling of hope and fear inside of you towards another person is fine. But don't whine and boast about it to everyone you know; it enforces that sense of emotional immaturity that is so often found in the 12-24 crowd. Yeah, I know that's a wide range but really it hasn't gotten old for some reason. That being said, I'm all for love of all kinds shapes and sizes, when love is pure and honest; it's a pretty special thing. Special meaning it only shows its face once in awhile, doesn't sprout out of hate or jealousy, and generally is a good thing....
I just don't see the point in reaffirming that whole in-itself for-itself dealio if you really don't need to. Why not have a little fun while you're young? Keep those feelings bottled up inside... you'll need them later.
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