Monday, January 3, 2011

Coming Home

I've been away two weeks from the land of the living, and I feel like my body and brain are as exhausted as they were when I left. I am having troubles constructing sentences, my nails are breaking a little more with each keystroke, and I am pretty sure I just want to sleep right now, but I know the roommates will be here soon. *sigh*

I stayed at my brother's, who had his girlfriend practically living there since god knows how long. She is a nice girl who has the mentality of a twelve year old; good thing since my brother is only a few years off of that....

I'm so happy to have internet back, and my subwoofer too; I just adore nights spent writing with @MontrealStars playing in the background

Tomorrow will be the start of my third last semester here at WLU: I'm in Winter 2011 of 2012! So excited but nervous as I have a lot of seminars this time around. Could be scary. Could be really busy.

I need to apply for jobs. I need to sleep. I just want a friend around right now.

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