Saturday, January 8, 2011

Looking like Ke$ha

Today on my way back from the grocery store in uptown, after waiting a grueling 15 minutes in the cold for a 7E bus, I was joined on a nearly-empty bus by three chipper and over-stimulated university girls. One of which was sporting greasy, stringy, bed hair and a lot of makeup.

What is it with this look? I really don't understand the concept. Looking like you rolled out of bed was a stretch, but looking like you smeared motor oil around your eyes and washed your face with red sand isn't really the look I think you were going for. Dirty does not equal sexy. Dirty equals a lowered perception and impression of what the public thinks of you, and that is actually a pretty important thing these days. Don't get me started on why girls these days seem to put so much effort into looking 'messy'... well actually, let's get started.

First impressions are important in life: for job interviews, for networking: you never know who you may meet on the street. This includes future husbands, friends, parents, friends' parents, etc. When leaving your house in the morning, the only reason you should be wearing sweatpants is if you are going to the gym and plan on returning home immediately after. Another rule of thumb: if you'd wear it out to Phil's, it's not okay to wear it to class.

Professors grimace at the general student population, let alone our unprofessional attire: in order for them to take us seriously, we must first take ourselves seriously. This means regular showers, discarding the ever-popular 'sumo bun' for healthy looking hair, and of course throwing out the Uggs. They're useless, and nothing says slouchy student like a pair of old slouchy Uggs.

I'm not here to give you fashion advice. I know what's in, and I know what looks good. I don't really care if you think that wearing leggings and an old man sweater makes you 'trendy' but it more often than not makes you look like a slob. I got made fun of in elementary school for dressing like that. There's a reason not to rock the 90s look. You look like shit.

And nobody wants to look at shit. Especially myself--and professors and members of the community. Do us all a favour, stop idolizing Ke$ha for your clothing choices and put yourself together-- maybe then, the world will take you seriously.

I know, its horrible how shallow and perception-based people can be: but its the truth, and sometimes it sucks. Just like your hair. Brush it.

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